By Bill McCloskey on Saturday, 15 August 2015
Category: The Email Profession

Winner. Best Pitch of the Week. Back To School Time for Email Marketers

Since the topic of marketing education just came up on another OI list, I couldn’t pass up the chance to spread the word about the Email Marketing Training, Education, Workshops and Seminars I offer at Synchronicity Marketing.

So what do we do? Private, custom-designed In-Company Education (ICE) in email and related channels for groups from 1 to 1,000 in whatever form you need: live seminars or workshops, virtual distance learning, on-demand online education – you name it. See more at:

As many of you know I am the email marketing instructor for the DMA and ANA (assoc. of national advertisers) and have done a lot of work with MarketingProfs, totaling 15 years experience designing and delivering workshops, seminars, classes, and online programs for those organizations. While these groups are great if you only have an occasional team member here or there you need trained, they are often far more expensive options than bringing an instructor to you and customizing a program and content to your business, industry or marketing situation. For not much more than the travel and registration cost of sending 1 person to my DMA email training course, I can deliver custom training for an entire small team.

Interested? Get in touch with me by email, phone or submit an inquiry online

It’s the dog days of summer, but in another few weeks the kids will be back to school, Labor Day will have come and gone, and we’ll all be in full end-of-the year crunch mode. That's why if you have unspent professional development $ earmarked for your team, now is the time to plan how to use it or risk losing it! The Q4 calendar fills fast with fall trade shows, holiday marketing planning and the holidays themselves, so I urge you not to put this off.

Thanks influencers and enjoy the rest of your summer,

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