By Only Influencers Administrator on Monday, 13 June 2016
Category: Email Buying Guide

The Latest Email Innovations: June Edition

Every Friday the Only Influencers membership gets to pitch the OI community on their latest innovations and services. Here is a roundup of some of the latest tools, services, and innovations coming out of the email industry.

Fresh Relevance: 

Fresh Relevance, the real-time marketing hub for online retailers, today announced the launch of Segment Builder. This new feature enables precision segments to be built for online shoppers based on behaviour and purchases and for the data to be imported into other marketing tools such as ESPs and Facebook ads. Fresh Relevance collects data about online shoppers: what products they look at, what they buy and so on. The new Segment Builder functionality within the Fresh Relevance marketing hub makes it simple for marketers to drill down into this mass of real-time data and create segments for highly-targeted bulk marketing. Read more. The Fresh Relevance marketing hub unifies siloed systems without the need for an integration project. It powers collaboration between ESPs, eCommerce and other systems and replaces multiple point solutions with a single platform. For more information, email me off-list or contact us.


Bee, our embeddable, drag-n-drop email editor, is now available in 12 languages, with 2 more coming soon. Bee's mission is to bring drag-n-drop, mobile-ready email design into any application where emails are created, so multi-language support was key for us to provide, and we'll keep adding new languages. From CRM systems to marketing automation platforms, CMS, ecommerce, etc., the embeddable version of Bee has already been adopted by hundreds of SaaS applications around the world, which we're very excited about!

For more about the embeddable plugin, see:

Windsor Circle

Windsor Circle's Replenishment Automator makes it easy to trigger hyper-personalized, mobile responsive campaigns at the exact moment when consumers are statistically prone to run out of products they've purchased in the past. Windsor Circle clients using our Replenishment Automator have seen an average Revenue Per Email (RPE) of $1.03, as well as a 7% lift in total revenue, and 10% lift in conversions.


I am so impressed with the community Bill has created. As a newcomer, I’m excited to get your feedback on a web-based tool I’ve created for campaign marketers. I’ve worked as a digital analyst for years and have always encountered the problem of marketers using “messy spreadsheets” to create their UTM campaign tags. So my partner, Miguel and I, built an enterprise-level link-building tool called Taglynx. I would love to get your feedback and show you why companies like Airbnb love this tool. It helps tackle the issue Gretchen Scheiman talked about in the last newsletter, the need for optimizing “trackable actions!” Love that phrase… We’ve recently moved from beta to market launch and need help with suggestions on site and message. How you can help me; Pay a quick visit to the site and comment on one or more items below:

· Does the website and 90 sec explainer video tell you clearly what it does?

· Do you see the immediate value that Airbnb does?

· Do you use another solution like this? If so, what?

· Reach out for a demo is you’d like!


Adestra would like to announce our launch of our new Email Editor, built to help marketers focus on strategy and content, and designers on creating innovative, exciting designs.

Email designers and developers love to produce campaigns that stand out in the inbox, which is a marketer’s ultimate goal. They work hard to make emails render well on different devices including smartphones and tablets, but sometimes creating templates for WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editors can hinder creativity and innovation. But at the endo of the day, email marketers are the ones doing the heavy lifting! With our new Email Editor, marketers can use modular design to build the perfect email suited to their message. This opportunity for flexibility and scalability is supported by the ability to use templates worry-free of errors, enabling marketers to focus on producing engaging content that truly resonates with their subscribers instead.

Listen, I could go on and on about this, but I think letting our client from Future Publishing speak for us.

“We’ve been delighted to be one of the first to get our hands on Adestra’s new Email Editor. Our new fully responsive template is pretty awesome! We’ve seen a massive 500% increase in average click-through rates, as well as an uplift in revenue and a significant reduction in campaign creation time – to as little as 10 minutes! The template’s attractiveness and robust design means we/our team can focus on the content and edit worry-free of rendering issues. Also, its modular approach has been re-purposed for use across a number of different brands and campaign types, making it a truly scalable solution for Future Publishing and a step change in our email communication design and execution.”

Please take a look at our video that quickly highlights the features and benefits. We’ve created an incredibly powerful editor that not only reduces time you spend on your email campaigns, but gives control to the marketer for the various stakeholders that contribute to our success.

Check it out


In case you missed the big news, LazBro is thrilled to have announced our new suite of marketing solutions, The Marketing Playground!

The Marketing Playground expands the power of the IBM Marketing Cloud with a selection of apps to simplify your workflow.

Designed exclusively for IBM Marketing Cloud, The Marketing Playground brings cutting edge simplicity, scalable power and scalability to your messaging campaigns. Each app in The Marketing Playground store is designed to save time, make life easier, and help achieve goals. Download a one-sheet here

As always, our flagship product, Email Playground, continues to offer the power of the IBM Marketing Cloud to distributed workforces and franchisees. Email Playground empowering non-technical users by providing a way to create, schedule and send email and SMS campaigns while maintaining consistent brand messaging guidelines set by corporate marketing. Download a one-sheet here.

To learn more about how Email Playground & The Marketing Playground can help you or your clients, reach out to me directly to schedule a demo.


ExpertSender recently introduced a new feature to our email marketing platform that allows our users to know whether the results of their split tests are statistically significant. Marketers have a graphical representation of their results and can now make informed decisions that are backed up by data scientists.

What is important is to note that statistical significance is tested, analyzed and graphed for up to 5 email versions (not only A/B).

We decided to tackle what we believe to be one of the inherent weaknesses of split testing because split test results can lead marketers into making the wrong decisions.

Having the appropriate confidence levels (both statistically and in their own assumptions) allows marketers to make better informed business decisions.

That’s why we introduce split test result analysis that gives our users different suggestions for future split tests that will allow them to make appropriate adjustments. For example:

• Winning version is not certain. Increase the size of test groups in the next split test.

• Winning version is certain, but either the size of the test group was too big or the number of versions too small. You can try using a smaller test group or adding another version in the next split test.

• Winning version is not certain. Try using a larger test group or remove one test version in the next split test.

We also show which versions are significantly worse and should not be tested in the future, so it’s possible to draw conclusions from all versions compared to each other. You can read more about our new feature.

ISIPP SuretyMail

ISIPP SuretyMail is very pleased to announce the offering of a brand new service: SuretyMail Lite! For years we have had businesses asking for this service – a service where we help businesses to get to the inbox, and to assist with their delivery issues – when they don’t have their own dedicated IP addresses.

There are lots of reasons that a business may not be using their own IP addresses for sending their email – especially their email marketing. Some of those reasons may be:

• They are using an Email Service Provider (ESP) to send out their newsletters or other mailing list mail

• They are too small to qualify for or afford their own dedicated IP space

• They have been left with a legacy system which does not include dedicated IP addresses and are unable to upgrade or change that in the near future

Now these businesses can avail themselves of our acclaimed SuretyMail services, and get the superlative deliverability and assistance that our certified SuretyMail customers have been enjoying for more than ten years! The difference (and the only difference) between SuretyMail and SuretyMail Lite is that SuretyMail Lite does not include the email IP address reputation certification (because there aren’t IP addresses to certify). 

This service is perfect for customers of an ESP (and in fact we already have some of our ESP customers referring their own customers to us for this - we are like their offsite hand-holding customer-headache-relieving diagnose-and-fix education department). More info here

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