The Founder of Zettasphere shares his insights into Email Marketing

Tim Watson: Impactful Images


It’s well said that a picture is worth 1000 words. But what’s an impactful image? Our brains consume visual information very quickly, making images a great way to communicate. In fact MIT found the brain can process images seen for as little as 0.013 of a second. I’ve run a live...

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  4570 Hits

Watson: Is Using noreply Really So Bad?


Email pundits frequently pour scorn on brands that send email marketing from a noreply@ email address. Passions run high with noreply. One email pundit said on Twitter about use of noreply@; “when I personally find ‘we don't want to hear from you’, I mostly start to ignore the brand”. But what’s...

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  7189 Hits

OI Discussion: What is Holding your Email Marketing Program Back?


Tim Watson: Hello Everyone Here goes for the 4th in the series of weekly OI discussions. What is holding your email marketing back? I’m sure most of you know what you’d like to get done. I meet lots of smart people, both at the brands I work with and when speaking at events. I...

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Tim Watson: What’s holding email marketing back?


The internet is full of articles with "must do" advice to improve email marketing. As we reach the end of 2018 you can expect a slew of articles with trends for 2019. More "must do" advice. Here are a few ways to improve email marketing, but you won’t find the reason...

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Tim Watson: 7 Inspiring Automation Emails

Tim Watson: 7 Inspiring Automation Emails

Email automation is not the panacea for email marketing that many articles seem to suggest.

The story goes “buy a leading edge automation platform” and your email marketing is no longer spam and strategy is improved double quick.

I’ve never seen this to be true and have certainly spoken to too many email marketers who have found out it’s not true - the hard way.

Email strategy is not created by buying some cool tech.

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Agile Email Testing

Agile Email Testing

“It depends; you should test that” has to be the most frequently used answer to any email marketing question.

And it’s not entirely unreasonable. What’s right for one for one brand isn’t for another.

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ESPs are all the same (or maybe not?)

ESPs are all the same (or maybe not?)

“You are all the same”, the words uttered by brands to ESPs, the words that ESPs don’t like to hear.

But is it true?

So here’s some advice for brands to answer this.

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Five Ways Brands are Building Email Lists offline

Five Ways Brands are Building Email Lists offline

"With more revenue still offline than online those brands that have a physical presence can score over the pure digital brands by thinking digitally offline too."

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