delaDela Quist, is CMO of Alchemy Worx, the largest email marketing agency. He is a highly experienced expert email marketer with a strong background in digital media and advertising.

Services include: email marketing strategy, email marketing best practice, email campaign planning, email design, email copywriting, HTML email production, email campaign deployment, email delivery and reputation, spam filter avoidance, reporting, and analysis.

Achieving Work-Life Balance Through Volunteering: A New Year's Resolution for Email Marketers


As we look forward to the year ahead, it's crucial to acknowledge the unique challenges and responsibilities that come with being an email marketer. With over two decades of experience in the field and more recently, advising businesses, agencies, and professionals, I've seen firsthand the immense value email marketers deliver with...

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  537 Hits

Understanding Unsubscribes: A Fresh Perspective for the Holiday Season


Today, I’d like to share some insights into unsubscribes—an approach I’ve used for years and highly recommend, especially with the holiday season approaching. Unsubscribes can feel alarming; they’re often seen as a sign that something is wrong with your content, personalization, or offers. But unsubscribes shouldn't be viewed as a single...

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  1769 Hits

Setting a Minimum Email Frequency: Lessons from Publishing for eCommerce


A recent conversation with some well-known folks in the space turned to the question about email frequency; but from the perspective of setting a floor – the minimum number of emails you should send folks on your list – rather than the maximum. Many eCommerce brands spend a lot of time...

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  2245 Hits

Short v Long: Email Content Length Demystified


In the world of digital marketing, one question often arises: “Does the length of email content affect conversion rates?” This question was recently posed to me by an email copywriter seeking advice about the relationship between content length, information density, and conversion rates, so I thought I would use this blog...

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  1899 Hits

Email Frequency: How Many Is Too Many?


Whether you are a double opt-in, only send email to people who have engaged with your email in the last 2 weeks person or a spammer, one fundamental truth stands out: the frequency of your email campaigns drives every aspect of your email metrics. From opens and clicks to sales and,...

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  3078 Hits

How to Send More Emails Without Losing Subscribers: A Smart Guide for Email Marketers


Are you an email marketer who grapples with the perennial dilemma of being urged by business stakeholders to send more emails? You want to deliver value to your business, but you're equally concerned about losing subscribers or tarnishing your brand's reputation. If this scenario feels all too familiar, you're not alone....

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  2056 Hits

Making Sense of Google's Spam Trap Policy: Keep Mailing for 2 Years


Clarity At Last As many of you will know, Google's recent announcement about their impending 2-year account inactivity policy change has me revisiting an ongoing beef of mine. Namely, why you should email inactives and how long you can safely do so before they become Spam Traps. The answer to that...

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  2399 Hits

I can’t make this year’s Email Innovations Summit – here’s why YOU should


The Email Innovations Summit 2023 is just around the corner (June 19-21, 2023), and it promises to be one of the best ever! Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend this year's summit, and I am feeling disappointed about missing out on what promises to be an amazing event. For those...

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  1778 Hits

Multi-Channel Marketing - Understanding Email’s Contribution to the mix


Many companies struggle with attribution in general, but when it comes email the failure to measuring the true impact of email on their revenue is spectacular! As a result, the email team at most brands face a constant struggle for recognition and more importantly a fair share of available resource. The...

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  3067 Hits

2023 will break all email records – here’s why


Anyone who follows me will know how unusual a post like this is for me, as I am generally reluctant to make predictions about the future for good reasons: they can come back to bite you. Just think back. How many predictions about 2020, made in 2019, anticipated the changes COVID...

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  3481 Hits

Why September is the best time to re-engage your inactives


Now the summer is over and our thoughts are already fully focussed on the upcoming holiday season. In particular we are increasing our focus on re-engagement. The goal is to re-engage as many inactive subscribers as possible before Black Friday. If you are like most businesses, your focus is on customers...

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  3297 Hits

How Subject Line Tests Can Drive Long-Term Engagement & Loyalty


In my last contribution to the OI Blog I wrote about Alchemy Worx’ Audience Management methodology. Which requires a move away from just pulling segments, which is a reactive process, to a more proactive approach which takes behavior from all channels into account. In it I showed how subscriber engagement does...

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  3949 Hits

Forget Segmentation - Audience Management is the New Normal


80/20 rule - Engaging with the engaged The Pareto Principle or 80/20 rule states that in very many situations 80% of your results will come from 20% of your effort. This principle is very widely accepted and holds true in many cases, for example in IT, 80% of system crashes are...

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  5994 Hits

What constitutes good multi-channel messaging & why isn't everyone doing it?


During a panel discussion I took part in recently, an audience member asked which companies did the panel think are doing a good job of multi-channel messaging. I thought it was an interesting question because unless you are armed with a knowledge of what data is being used and how it...

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  3759 Hits

COVID-19 or Coronavirus -- which performs better in subject lines?


As the current crises began to unfold, I was interested to note that while we started out by calling the disease Coronavirus, the name COVID-19 began to emerge as the favorite among email marketers for use in Subject Lines (SL). So, a couple of days ago I decided to dig into...

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  5582 Hits

Test your way to better Open Rates

Test200 A/B Test

I have been following a recent discussion by the Only Influencers membership around how adopting new technology - or even fully using the existing functionality available to you - can be a challenge. Something I am sure many of you reading this would also testify to. The percentage of users who...

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  4164 Hits

Case Study: What is an Email Address Worth and How to Increase Its Value by 176%


The ability to measure engagement using open rates click rates make email the most measurable digital channel, yet most marketers struggle to prove the value of email an email address to their organization. As a result, email is the most consistently underrated digital marketing channel. Paradoxically the main reason marketers find...

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  10973 Hits

Quist: The word Halloween in Subject Lines is Bad for Open Rates – Spooky


Everyone loves Halloween! Well perhaps not everyone but, judging by the number of Halloween themed offers and Subject Lines to be found at this time of year, marketers certainly seem to. There seems to be consensus that incorporating the Halloween theme in a Subject Line is a good thing. But what...

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  4413 Hits

Quist: Powerful Email Reactivation Hack Anyone Can Use


Current Best Practice When it comes to your inactive subscribers, best practitioners have always advocated that you stop mailing them. Following this advice will have the immediate effect of improving your open rates without you having to do anything difficult like write better subject lines or improve your content and/or creative....

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  7056 Hits

Dela Quist: Why so many CMO’s underestimate Email Marketing


“Numbers have an important story to tell. They rely on you to give them a voice.” Stephen Few This is an article that wrote itself. It started out as a rant about the relentless negativity surrounding the email channel and how everyone under estimates its importance to the digital ecosystem. As...

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  11806 Hits