The four key stages of email marketing


Recently I had the honour of teaching a group of eager University students who wanted to learn everything there is to know about email marketing. It promised to be a fantastic experience, especially given the venue: the stunning city of Barcelona. But there was a catch. I had to teach these...

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Marketing Channels Strategy


While there are many emerging marketing channels strategies you/we/me can choose, we may best be advised to start with the assets we have, before chasing the newest shiny object. Lets face it, if we have a solid email subscriber list one could argue that you/we have prospects and clients that use...

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Maximize Your Marketing Data by Asking Great Questions


Image source: “Notebook work with statistics on sofa business” from Unsplash In a previous post, I introduced the three types of analytics and shared that the first step of starting an analytics project is to ask yourself: What is the objective, intention, or question that you want answered? This post...

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  3090 Hits

17 Memories and Observations from 20 Years in Email Marketing


Can you trace that point, that moment when your email marketing career started? The foundation of my email marketing career actually started with the launching of a paid subscription (printed paper) newsletter in 1988 while I was at the accounting firm Arthur Andersen. I dove in headfirst on taking courses and...

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How Empathy is Making Us Better Email Marketers


One of the silver linings of this crazy 2020 has been getting to chat more often with far-flung marketing friends - the people I would normally see several times a year at industry conferences but now view weekly on my computer screen. These virtual happy hours began informally when we were...

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